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Attorney advertising rules
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Florida Bar Board of Governors finds that “Ambulances Chase Us” is improper and law firm can advertise “1-800-411-Pain”

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert, which will discuss the recent Florida Bar Board of Governors (BOG) decisions to uphold the Florida Bar Standing Committee on Advertising (SCA) decision that “Ambulances Chase Us” is deceptive or misleading and reverse an SCA decision that a law firm’s billboards advertising the telephone number “1-800-411-PAIN” are misleading. Read More

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U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down Ohio law which prohibited solicitation of potential workers’ compensation claimants

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert, which will discuss the recent United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals opinion which struck down an Ohio law which prohibited solicitation of potential workers’ compensation claimants as a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  The case is Bevan & Associates v. Yost, Case Read More

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Virginia Supreme Court makes revisions to lawyer advertising rules which streamline the rules and reduce their number

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the recent Virginia Supreme Court opinion which adopted revisions to the Virginia Bar Rules which streamline the lawyer advertising rules and reduce the number of rules.  The Virginia Supreme Court opinion is here:  The revised Virginia advertising rules become effective on July 1, Read More

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California interim ethics opinion addresses when lawyer blogging is subject to regulation under Bar Rules

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss lawyer blogging and the interim opinion of the State Bar of California which addresses the topic of lawyer blogging and when lawyer blogs may be subject to regulation under the California Bar Rules and advertising statute.  The interim ethics opinion is The State Bar Read More

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Florida Bar’s Board of Governors approves substantial revisions to Bar rules related to lawyer referral services

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert Update which will discuss the Florida Bar Board of Governors’ (BOG) recent approval of proposed lawyer referral rules.  The proposed rules would substantially revise the current rules, including broadening the definition and changing the name of the services to “matching services” and the names of referral companies to Read More

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N.J. Supreme Court reverses reprimand and dismisses complaint against lawyer who posted allegedly confidential information on his website

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert blog which will discuss the recent New Jersey Supreme Court opinion reversing a Disciplinary Review Board’s reprimand recommendation and dismissing a complaint against lawyer who was alleged to have posted client confidential information on his website.  The disciplinary case is In the Matter of Jay J. Chatarpaul, Read More

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Florida Bar’s Board of Governors will vote on substantial revisions to Bar rules related to lawyer referral services

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert blog which will discuss the proposed revisions to the lawyer referral Bar rules which would change the names to “matching services” and “qualifying providers” and substantially revise the existing referral rules.  The proposed rule revisions are here:$FILE/4-7.22%20et%20al%20legislative.pdf?OpenElement The proposed rules address for-profit companies that link lawyers Read More

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