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Lawyer Advertising opinion
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Virginia Supreme Court makes revisions to lawyer advertising rules which streamline the rules and reduce their number

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the recent Virginia Supreme Court opinion which adopted revisions to the Virginia Bar Rules which streamline the lawyer advertising rules and reduce the number of rules.  The Virginia Supreme Court opinion is here:  The revised Virginia advertising rules become effective on July 1, Read More

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California Ethics Opinion addresses ethics issues related to lawyer blogging and advertising and provides guidelines

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the recent California Formal Ethics Opinion which addresses ethics issues related to lawyer blogging and advertising and provides guidelines for lawyers who blog.  The Opinion is The State Bar of California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct Formal Opinion No. 2016-196 and the Read More

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California interim ethics opinion addresses when lawyer blogging is subject to regulation under Bar Rules

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss lawyer blogging and the interim opinion of the State Bar of California which addresses the topic of lawyer blogging and when lawyer blogs may be subject to regulation under the California Bar Rules and advertising statute.  The interim ethics opinion is The State Bar Read More

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Florida Bar Board of Governors finds that unrequested texts to prospective clients on specific matters are not prohibited solicitations

  Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the recent and somewhat surprising decision of the Florida Bar’s Board of Governors to reverse Statewide Advertising Committee’s opinion that texts to prospective clients on specific matters would be solicitations in violation of the Bar rules. As I previously reported in the June Read More

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U.S. Third Circuit appeals court rejects New Jersey’s prohibition of lawyer’s website posts of excerpts of judicial opinions praising his legal work

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinion which reversed a federal district court opinion upholding a New Jersey guideline prohibiting a lawyer from posting judicial opinion excerpts praising his legal work. The opinion is Andrew Dwyer et al v. Cynthia A. Cappell et Read More

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Louisiana Supreme Court refuses to sanction a lawyer who claimed a non-existent specialization on a law firm website because of a lack of a “culpable state of mind”

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the recent Louisiana Supreme Court disciplinary case wherein the court refused to sanction a lawyer who claimed a non-existent specialization on his former law firm website because he did not have a “culpable state of mind” and the public was not harmed. The opinion Read More

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The Florida Bar’s Board of Governors approves guidelines for advertising past results which prohibit past results on billboards and TV and radio advertisements

Hello and welcome to this Ethics Alert which will discuss the Guidelines for Advertising Past Results which were approved by the Florida Bar’s Board of Governors (BOG) on December 13, 2013 (and revised on 1/17/14) as well as the decision of the Bar’s Standing Committee on Advertising to disapprove 15 and 30 second television advertisements Read More

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Ohio Ethics Advisory Opinion states that Ohio lawyers are not prohibited from soliciting potential clients via text messages

Hello everyone and welcome to this Ethics Alert blog which will discuss the 2013 Advisory Opinion of the Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline which states that Ohio lawyers are not prohibited from soliciting potential clients via text messages with certain caveats. The Advisory Opinion is online here: The Ohio Board of Read More

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